Membership among 7 Figure Litigators®, 8 Figure Litigators®, and 9 Figure Litigators® is meant to recognize the nation’s most respected and preeminent high-stakes trial lawyers based on their verifiable verdicts and/or settlements on behalf of their clients in any field of law. Applicants must provide verifiable information demonstrating that they meet the respective requirements for membership among 7 Figure Litigators®, 8 Figure Litigators®, and 9 Figure Litigators® (as set forth below) and certify, as a member in good standing of their respective State Bar Association, that all information provided is true and accurate. Certified applications are reviewed by our membership committee to verify that candidates meet the minimum objective requirements for membership. If an applicant qualifies for membership among 9 Figure Litigators®, they automatically qualify and receive membership among 7 Figure Litigators® and 8 Figure Litigators® as well. Similarly, if an applicant qualifies for membership among 8 Figure Litigators®, they automatically qualify and receive membership among 7 Figure Litigators®.
7 Figure Litigators® — Membership Criteria
Applicants for membership among 7 Figure Litigators® — America’s Premier High-Stakes Trial Lawyers® must certify that:
- they are a current and active member of their State Bar Association in good standing;
- they have not been disciplined or suspended for any reason by their State Bar Association at any time in the previous 10 years; and
- that they have litigated* a case to successful completion by trial verdict, arbitration award, or negotiated settlement in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000) or more in any field of law**.
8 Figure Litigators® — Membership Criteria
Applicants for membership among 8 Figure Litigators® — America’s Premier High-Stakes Trial Lawyers® must certify that:
- they are a current and active member of their State Bar Association in good standing;
- they have not been disciplined or suspended for any reason by their State Bar Association at any time in the previous 10 years; and
- that they have litigated* a case to successful completion by trial verdict, arbitration award, or negotiated settlement in the amount of ten million dollars ($10,000,000) or more in any field of law**.
9 Figure Litigators® — Membership Criteria
Applicants for membership among 9 Figure Litigators® — America’s Premier High-Stakes Trial Lawyers® must certify that:
- they are a current and active member of their State Bar Association in good standing;
- they have not been disciplined or suspended for any reason by their State Bar Association at any time in the previous 10 years; and
- that they have litigated* a case to successful completion by trial verdict, arbitration award, or negotiated settlement in the amount of one-hundred million dollars ($100,000,000) or more in any field of law**.
*Litigated — Applicants are deemed to have “litigated” a matter for purposes of membership qualification if they served as primary counsel or co-counsel during the litigation of the matter. This includes first and second chair litigators at trial or arbitration, as well as the two primary litigation attorneys responsible for litigating and/or negotiating any qualifying settlement.
**Field of Law — There are no limitations on the field of law or practice field for qualifying verdicts/settlements as long as they demonstrate the characteristics of high-stakes litigation and meet the minimum resolution amount requirements for the respective membership level. Some examples of qualifying verdicts and settlements include (but are not limited to) the following practice fields: personal injury litigation, medical malpractice litigation, product liability litigation, insurance bad faith litigation, class action litigation, multi-jurisdiction litigation, business litigation, employment litigation, intellectual property litigation, breach of contract litigation, anti-trust litigation, trade-secret litigation, etc.
Every member among 7 Figure Litigators®, 8 Figure Litigators®, and 9 Figure Litigators® must meet the above requirements for each respective membership, without exception. Attorneys cannot buy their way into membership. With these strict standards based on the applicant’s objective and verifiable results, less than one percent (1%) of active attorneys will qualify for membership — limiting selection to America’s Premier High-Stakes Trial Lawyers®.