Membership among 7 Figure Litigators™ is meant to recognize the nation’s most respected and preeminent high-stakes trial lawyers based on their verifiable verdicts and/or settlements on behalf of their clients in any field of law.
Applicants must complete the Online Application Form or PDF Application Form (download here) to provide verifiable information certifying that they meet the respective requirements for membership among 7 Figure Litigators™ (see Selection Criteria for requirement information).
If an applicant qualifies for membership among 9 Figure Litigators™, they automatically qualify and receive membership among 7 Figure Litigators™ and 8 Figure Litigators™ as well. Similarly, if an applicant qualifies for membership among 8 Figure Litigators™, they automatically qualify and receive membership among 7 Figure Litigators™.
When completing the Application Form, applicants must submit a one-time $1500 membership fee with their application.
Concurrent Memberships: This $1500 membership fee covers all levels of membership that the applicant qualifies for at the time of submitting the application (i.e. an applicant who qualifies for membership among 9 Figure Litigators™ need only submit one $1500 membership fee and they will also receive concurrent memberships among 7 Figure Litigators™ and 8 Figure Litigators™ at no additional cost). There is no additional charge for joining multiple concurrent levels of memberships.
Subsequent Membership Additions: If a member subsequently qualifies for a new level of membership, they must pay a new one-time $500 membership addition fee to join any new levels of membership (i.e. a member of 7 Figure Litigators™ who subsequently qualifies for 8 Figure Litigators™ with a new 8 figure verdict/settlement must pay the $500 membership addition fee to subsequently join 8 Figure Litigators™).
Each $500 membership addition fee entitles the member to all the benefits of the new membership level, as well as a new Plaque or Desktop Marquee featuring the new membership level.
Once applicants have been approved for membership after submitting their completed Application Form and membership dues, they will receive the following lifetime membership benefits:
- LOGOS & TRADEMARKS — The logo for 7 Figure Litigators™ – America’s Premier High-Stakes Trial Lawyers® is trademark and copyright protected, such that they may only be used by members of each respective membership group.Members may use their respective membership logo(s) for any advertising and marketing purposes (including on your website, email, letterhead, newsletters, etc), as long as they do so within the requirements of their respective state bar associations and Rules of Professional Conduct.
- LIFETIME ONLINE PROFILE — All members receive a lifetime online profile in the fully searchable online membership directory on the search-engine optimized High Stakes Litigators website (
- PREMIUM ONLINE PROFILE — Additionally, all members receive a premium online profile with full attorney bios and website SEO backlinking for one year included in their one-time membership dues. After the first year, members can renew the premium online benefits for their membership (including website SEO backlinking) for $150 annually. If a member does not renew their premium profile, their basic online profile will remain, but they will lose the premium profile benefits (including the SEO backlinking benefits to their personal law firm website).
- PREMIUM DESKTOP MARQUEE OR WALL PLAQUE — All members can choose one free commemorative Desktop Marquee or Wall Plaque (shown below) to recognize their membership and (if desired) highlight a notable qualifying verdict/settlement on the Desktop Marquee or Wall Plaque. See below for all Marquee and Plaque options with exemplar images. Members can purchase additional Desktop Marquees or Wall Plaques for $250 each.
7.25″ Crystal Octagon Desktop Marquee
9″ Crystal Diamond Desktop Marquee
11″ Color Arcrylic Desktop Marquee
16″ Black Aluminum Wall Plaque
When purchasing additional Marquees/Plaques, members can highlight the same notable qualifying verdict/settlement on each Marquee/Plaque OR members can highlight a different notable qualifying verdict/settlement on each Marquee/Plaque. For example, some members use the additional Marquees/Plaques to highlight multiple impressive 7 Figure and 8 Figure verdicts/settlements (as shown in the exemplar image below).